An amulet collection spanning 8,000 years is up for auction in Tel Aviv this Tuesday at Ben-Ami Endres Auctions, brought to you by collector Lenny Wolfe. If you’re in the market, the artifacts range in price from $25 to $5,000. The throat bone of a wolf that was used in the late 19th and early […]
Monthly Archives: October 2012
It could be a thoughtful gift for Dad, a brother, student, or even a sports minded kid, but if you are a Miami Heat basketball fan you’ll need one for yourself. The distinctive logo colors of black, white, and touch of yellow flame topping off a red basketball sunk down through the hoop reveals a […]
Enthusiastic Los Angeles Lakers fans will be the new pacesetters on the block with the true- to-life colors of the team’s insignia embossed on an authentic LA Lakers mezuzah. It is crafted of sturdy metal, 4 inches in length and 1 inch in width. It is classic, tasteful, and readily identifies the dedicated sports fan […]
An official ribbon-cutting and mezuzah dedication took place on Sunday, October 7th in the famous former wild western town of Tucson, Arizona. I’d bet those old time cowboys never envisioned the sight of mezuzahs being hammered up on doorposts by bearded rabbis on their town buildings. Rabbi Ephraim Zimmerman of Chabad of Tucson nailed on […]
The Menorah- Chabad Jewish Center is the largest and most elaborate Chabad House built to date. The edifice was dedicated today by Mr. Gennandy Bogolubov, the President of the Dnepropetrovsk Jewish Community. The mezuzah for the banquet hall was affixed in a ceremony by the Chief Rabbi of Russia and Chabad Shliach to Moscow, Rabbi Berel […]
“An Article of Hope” is a new documentary which will be screened on October 20th at the Oshman Family Jewish Center in Palo Alto, California. This one hour film recaps the life of Ilan Ramon, a heroic ace fighter pilot, squadron leader of the 1981 attack on Iraq’s nuclear facility, and Israel’s first astronaut in […]
The Ashdod Religious Council in Israel earnestly encouraged the city’s residents to have their tefillin and mezuzahs inspected during Elul. For free. That’s right. This month has always been the customary time for Jews the world over to take stock of themselves spiritually as well as for checking up on the ‘spiritual health’ of some […]
A yeshiva student who was visiting in San Diego, California last week told me the following: He stopped at a rather large modern home for the purpose of checking out the site for the upcoming Sukkot holiday on instructions from the homeowner, with the intent of measuring the perimeter of the patio to determine the […]
As far as authentic Jewish culture is concerned, I’m not so sure that a certain Hollywood actress would, as the expression goes, know it if she fell over it. One can only wince at her good intentions but scanty knowledge about a certain item of religious significance which she heavily publicized and wore around her […]