Equatorial Guinea? Where in the world is that? This corner of the globe lies in a very remote part of Africa which some say, upon setting foot there, feels like a moon landing. This territory was, in olden times, a poverty ridden Spanish colony in the port city of Bata. But have no fear. The […]
Monthly Archives: February 2013
Providence Tarzana Medical Center in Tarzana, California, a Catholic-run facility, was the first San Fernando Valley hospital to hang mezuzahs in all patient areas, even though only 20 to 25 per cent of the patient population is Jewish! “Our patients do not have to check their faith at the door,” according to Shawn Kiley, director […]
Temple Beth El in Quincy, Massachusetts is looking for a few good Jewish homes for its fine arts and Judaica collection. Sadly, this synagogue is closing its doors due to the shrinking numbers of the Jewish population in the town and its environs. A silver candelabrum, colorful mosaics, woven tapestries, silver crowns for Torah scrolls, […]
Ben Gurion Airport in Israel had mezuzahs put up at the new customs inspection depot during the week of January 20th. Customs workers, headed by manger Raphael Gabbai , made sure that a kosher mezuzah was put in every single doorway, not just on the main entrance. Rabbi Yaakov Glauberman gave his blessings and spoke […]