Rabbi Joseph J. Zaltzman, senior rabbi, Jewish Russian Community Centre of Ontario, says the blessing as he affixes a <a href=”http://www.mezuzahmaster.com”>mezuzah</a> to the doorpost at York Centre MP Mark Adler’s constituency office in Toronto last week. Adler said he had fulfilled the mitzvah of having a mezuzah placed on the doorpost of his Ottawa office […]
Monthly Archives: December 2023
The Talmud Gittin 45b states that Sifrei Torah, tefillin and mezuzah scrolls are considered kosher only when written by certain select groups of specially trained scribes. Women, as a category, are not mentioned to be among them. However, in 2003, Canadian born Aviel Barclay became the world’s first known ‘traditionally’ trained female sofer. Since […]
A new Jewish museum is scheduled to open this Friday in Warsaw, Poland. It will be taking place on the 70th anniversary of the ill-fated ghetto uprising where a few hundred heroic Jews took up arms against the occupying Germans. Poland was home to a thriving Jewish presence for over one thousand years. A mezuzah […]
For the second time in less than a month, Muslims tore out a Mezuzah from a door at the sacred and hotly contested Cave of Machpelah, the holy resting place of the biblical patriarchs and matriarchs. The vandalism took place at a time when the cave was open only to Muslims. It was documented by […]
Scott Stringer, Manhattan’s Borough President and candidate for City Comptroller, affixed a mezuzah, a Jewish symbol of protection, to the door of his campaign headquarters this week, perhaps seeking help from a higher power in his campaign battle against former New York Governor Elliot Spitzer. In a photo submitted to The Algemeiner, Stringer, who is […]