You Can Keep Your Faith Here

the common good
the common good

Providence Tarzana Medical Center in Tarzana, California, a Catholic-run facility, was the first San Fernando Valley hospital to hang mezuzahs in all patient areas, even though only 20 to 25 per cent of the patient population is Jewish!

“Our patients do not have to check their faith at the door,” according to Shawn Kiley, director of mission leadership. “Now that this is a Catholic-run hospital, those who are Jewish can celebrate their faith even more than before.”

As of March 2010, over 270 mezuzah scrolls, each encased in sleek copper-toned tubing, were hung in all patient rooms and public areas. This institution, together with Chabad of the Valley, is developing a new program to deal with drug and alcohol addiction. This truly awesome partnership is clearly for the common good. The evidence is visible on every doorpost!