On October 24th, the Tifereth Israel Synagogue in Corona, Queens officially rededicated the century old house of worship. Constructed in 1911, this stately building was made from wood, which over the course of time rotted and disintegrated.
Funding for the project took a decade, and restoration of the exterior took two years, but resulted in its obtaining a spot on the Register of Historic Places and is dedicated as a New York City Landmark.
Queens Borough President Helen Marshall received a gift of a replica of the restored synagogue, including a mezuzah on its doors, because of her assistance in securing the funding. She said that this rededication has been a long time coming and, “I rejoice in this miracle in this new façade with my Jewish brothers and sisters.”
When we have our gentile neighbors helping us to restore our synagogues, and even thanking us for the opportunity, it this amazing or what?